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素材1: (一)“感动中国”人物 感动中国2020年度人物已经揭晓,他们或护卫祖国,或造福民生,或推广传统文化,或传递市井温暖,都让人忍不住热泪盈眶。在你心中,年度人物有什么样的特征?请以“2020Person of the Year in my heart”为题写一篇英语作文。 提示: 1. 你心中年度人物的标准是什么? 2. 你心中的2020年度人物是谁? 3. 你为什么选择他或她? [范文赏析] 2020 Person of the Year in my heart In my heart, the Person of the Year issomeone who improves other people’s lives. Wang Yong, a courier (快递员) inWuhan, made me feel moved. Wang volunteered to transport medicalworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Though he was worried about the virus, hestill came forward when medical workers needed help. He also called on morepeople to join him. The team helped to buy food and medical supplies. Asan ordinary people, he devoted himself to improving other’s lives, leaving agreat influence on me. We should learn from him, as a small act of kindness canmake a big difference. Nationalhero always inspires me Let meintroduce a national hero who always inspires me to you. Dr.Yuan Longping, the Father of Hybrid Rice who was born in Beijing in 1930. Hehad worked on agriculture education and the research into hybrid rice since hegraduated from university. Although Yuan Longping had experienced manyfailures, he didn’t give up. Due to his achievement, he received more than 11international awards and countless people around the world can stay away fromhunger. Dr.Yuan is a national hero and he inspires me all the time. When we facedifficulties, we should insist what we must do and never give up. We aresupposed to study hard and help others as possible as we can. I hope I can be aperson like him in the future. (二)抗疫英雄人物 2020年在新冠疫情的防控阻击战中,全国人民齐心协力,坚守岗位、默默付出,共克时艰,期间发生了许多让人感动的人和事。 [范文赏析] The past year was quite moving in many ways. A security guardwho works in my community did something that was especially meaningful to me. 素材2:食物浪费 (一)拒绝食物浪费 “谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。” 节约粮食是中华民族的传统美德,即使如今人们生活富足,我们也应当提倡节俭,避免浪费食物。 [范文赏析] Food waste has become a big problem these days. It not onlycauses environmental pollution, but also destroys (毁掉)the fruit of farmers’ hard work. And there are still many people around theworld who don’t have enough food to eat. 素材3:环境保护 (一)倡议书 爱护环境,人人有责。假设你是学校环境保护社团的主席,请你给全校同学写一封倡议书,谈谈学校日常存在的不环保的行为,你对这些行为的看法,以及中学生可以通过哪些行动保护环境。 [范文赏析] Greetings, classmates. I think all of us know that it’simportant to protect the environment. Unfortunately, there are some things wedo that hurt the environment and waste resources. 素材4:健康生活 (二)保持健康 2020-2021年全民一起取得了抗击新冠肺炎疫情的阶段性胜利。这次的疫情同时也给我们敲响了健康安全、卫生安全等方面的警钟,人们越来越希望拥有一种安全健康的生活方式。就如何才能保持健康,班内发起了演讲征文活动,请就该主题写一篇演讲稿阐述你自己的建议和看法。 [范文赏析] Dear friends, It’s nice to be able to speak to all of you. I’d like to giveyou some suggestions on how to stay healthy. Let’s work together to stay healthy and enjoy life together.Thanks for listening to my speech.
素材5:个人成长 (一)情绪管理 每个人都有自己的脾气。在人际交往中有人会因为管理不好情绪与人发生冲突和矛盾,造成不好的后果。如果你有情绪方面的困惑,你会怎么做来调节自己的情绪呢?请以 “Ways to manage myemotions” 为题介绍你在自己的情绪管理方面的经验。 要点: [范文赏析] Ways to manage my emotions I usedto get angry very easily, especially when arguing with my friends. But I havefound ways to manage my emotions. 素材6:传统文化 (二)传统文化 百善孝为先。自古以来,“孝”是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,也是我们一直引以为豪的传统美德。请结合自身经历,以“RespectingOur Parents”为题写一篇短文。 要点:1. 孝敬父母的必要性; 2. 如何孝敬父母。 [范文赏析] Our parentsplay an important role in our lives. They not only give birth to us but alsotake good care of us, so showing respect to our parents is very necessary. We should showthem our respect by doing small everyday things. For example, we can rememberour parents’ birthdays and express our love on that day. We should alsounderstand and care about them. They may feel tired after a busy day, so we canshare housework to make them have a rest. Most importantly, we should work hardand look after ourselves. Good marks and our health are the best gifts to them. All in all, weshould respect our parents, no matter how old we are. 素材7:邀请信 假如你是李华,钟南山院士下周一将到你们学校来做一个关于保持健康的讲座,你想邀请你的好朋友Peter一起来听讲座,请你给他写一封邀请函。 内容要点: 1、讲座的时间和地点; 2、讲座的主要内容; 3、注意事项:带上笔记本和笔,不要迟到,手机关机。 [范文赏析] Dear Peter, I am glad to tell you that Mr. ZhongNanshan will come to our school. He will give a lecture about how to keephealthy. So I’m writing this letter to invite you to attend the lecture. The lecture will be held in the meetinghall in our school. And it starts at 2:00 next Monday afternoon. I think thelecture will be very useful for us and you must be interested in it. Are youfree on Monday afternoon? If you could come, please bring a notebook and a pen.At the same time, please don’t be late. What’s more, during the lecture, youare required to turn off your mobile phone. I am looking forward to your coming. Yours, LiHua 素材7:自荐信 2022年冬奥会将在北京举行,组委会计划招聘一些优秀中学生从事志愿者工作。假如你是李华,得知此消息后,你想成为其中的一员。请读下面的招募启事,写一封应征邮件。 Volunteers Wanted We’ re looking for some excellentmiddle school students to help us. Can you introduce yourself(English ability and personality)? If you are interested, pleaseemail us at Andrew@l63. com. [范文赏析] Dear Sir, My name is Li Hua. I’m a16-year-old girl, a junior 3 student. I would like to become a volunteer of the2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. I am good at English and I cantalk with foreigners fluently. In addition, I’m interested in doing exercise,which is why I’m in good health. Moreover, I am very outgoing and willing tohelp others. When my friends get in trouble, I often try my best to help themout. Besides I enjoy watching different kinds of sports and I’m quite familiarwith the competition events. I’m sure I am qualified for thisjob. I’ll appreciated it if you could offer me the chance. Looking forward toyour reply. Yours, Li Hua 素材8:建议信 近年来,由于手机、电脑等电子产品的普及,中小学课内外负担加重等因素,近视的孩子越来越多。假如让你给大家提出几条预防近视的建议,你会提些什么呢?请以“ How to prevent nearsightedness(近视)”为题,写一篇短文,提出你的建议。 [范文赏析] How to prevent nearsightedness You may not like to wear glasses. Then you must preventnearsightedness. But do you know what to do? Here are some suggestions for you. All these things can help you prevent nearsightedness, but youmust keep on doing them all the time.
素材9 参加庆祝建党100周年活动 假如你是深圳某中学的初三学生李华。下周五是你校一年一度的艺术节。为庆祝中国共产党建党100周年,今年艺术节的主题是“党在我心中”。请根据一下表格写一封邮件,邀请来自澳大利亚的朋友Tracy参加艺术节。
参考词汇: anniversary 周年纪念日 theme 主题 Dear Tracy, TheArt Festival in our school will take place next Friday.The theme of this year is “The party is in my heart”, as this year marks the100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). I’mwriting to invite you to take part in it. Now let me tell you the details. First, the head teacher will give ashort talk in the morning. Then a picture show will be put on in the librarywhere we can learn a lot about the history of the CPC. In the afternoon, thereis a speech competition. After that, we can watch a movie about an excellentparty member Jiao Yulu. In the evening, a great performance will be shown inthe school hall. I will sing a song then. I’m sure it will be a fantastic day.Would you like to go with me? Pleaselet me know your decision before next Friday. Yours, LiHua 素材10 感谢辛苦工作在一线的医护人员 5月份以来,深圳再次因出现新冠病毒(COVID-19)感染者,掀起全民核酸检测,医护人员日以继夜奋战在一线。 假如你是深圳某中学学生会长,给全校同学演讲,倡议同学们给医护人员们写一封感谢信,并号召同学们按政府要求提高防疫意识。 要点: 1. 感谢医护人员的辛苦付出 2. 按要求进行核酸检测(Nucleic Acid Test) 3. 乘坐公共交通工具时,展示健康码(health code) 4. 外出佩戴口罩,勤洗手,不要到人多的地方。 参考词汇:medical staff 医护人员 confirmed cases 确诊病例 infector感染者 NucleicAcid Test核酸检测 virus 病毒 Dear students, All Shenzhen citizens have to do Nucleic Acid Testbecause some people have infected COVID-19 accidentally. Here are somesuggestions for us to raise our awareness of fighting virus. Being a student inShenzhen , we are supposed to do Nucleic Acid Test as quickly as possible. What’smore, you need to show your health code when you take public transportation.Wearing masks is necessary if you go out. More importantly, remember to washyour hands as often as you can. Don’t go to the crowded places for safety. Everystudent here needs to write a Thank You letter to medical staff. Words fail mewhen I want to express my thanks to all medical staff. Due to your hard work, wecan stay away from virus. Thanks again for what you have done for our city. I hope everyone cankeep healthy after listening to my speech. |
高三: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 化学| 地理| 生物| 历史| 思想政治| 信息技术| 初三: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 化学| 历史| 道德与法制 |
高二: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 化学| 地理| 生物| 历史| 思想政治| 信息技术| 初二: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 地理| 生物| 历史| 道法 |
高一: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 化学| 地理| 生物| 历史| 思想政治| 信息技术| 初一: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 地理| 生物| 历史| 道法 |
小学: 语文| 数学| 英语| 道德与法制| 科学| 试题: 小学| 初中| 中考| 高中| 高考| 作文: 小学| 初中| 高中| 满分| 技巧|素材|英汉词典 |
高校: 985/211| 各省市| 港澳台| 国外| 排名| 中考专辑| 高考专辑| 各省中学| 职业考试: 从业资格| 技术技能| 艺术等级| 公务员| 百年党史 |
课外: 教育动态| 教育法规| 老师榜| 家长帮| 学生派| 安全说| 古诗古文| 世界名著| 近代文学| 寓言故事| 格言名句| 阅读技巧| 在线许愿祝福 |