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2016年真题 1、你想了解Mary如何得到这份工作的,你问Mary: How did you get the job? 2、你想了解 Mary 的学习计划是什么,你问 Mary: What is your study plan? 3、你想了解当时的天气怎样,你问 Simon: What was the weather like then?/How was the weather then? 4、你想了解 Simon 养了多久的狗,你问 Simon: How long have you kept the dog? 5、你想了解Mary 每天什么时候给 Whitefoot 喂食,你问 Mary:When do you feed Whitefoot every day? 6、你想了解Mary 和 Whitefoot 经常玩什么游戏,你问 Mary:What games do you often play with Whitefoot? 7、你想了解Thomas 孤单时,他会做什么,你问 Thomas:What do you do when you are lonely? 8、你想了解Thomas 多久打一次电话给家人,你问 Thomas:How often do you call your family? 9、你想了解John 最喜欢的食物是什么,你问 John:What's your favourite food?/ What food do you like best? 10、你想了解John 的办公室离家有多远,你问 John:How far is it from your office to your home? 11、你想了解Johnson 的职业,你问 Johnson:What do you do?/What's your job? 12、你想了解Johnson 每天工作多少小时,你问 Johnson:How long do you work every day? 13、你想了解 Annie 通常和谁一起去旅游,你问 Annie: Who do you usually travel with? 14、你想了解Annie 暑期将会去哪里,你问 Annie:Where will you go in the summer holiday? 15、你想了解James 喜欢哪一类音乐,你问 James:What kind of music do you like? 16、你想了解泰国最出名的水果是什么,你问James:What is the most famous fruit inThailand? 1、你想了解Lucy 对上海这个城市的看法,你问Lucy: What do you think ofShanghai?/ How do you likeShanghai? 2、你想了解 Lucy 旅行花了多少钱,你问 Lucy:How much did you spend on the trip? 3、你想了解 Kate 来自哪个国家,你问 Kate:Which country are you from? / Which country do you come from? 4、你想了解 Kate 最喜欢的中国食物是什么,你问 Kate:What’s your favorite Chinese food? / What Chinese food do you like best? 5、你想了解Rose 是否每天玩电脑游戏,你问 Rose:Do you play computer games every day? 6、你想了解什么食物对眼睛有好处,你问Rose:What kind of food is good for eyes? 7、你想了解Betty 一周上多少节英语课,你问 Betty:How many English classes do you have a week? 8、你想了解Betty 上课是否教学生唱英语歌,你问 Betty:Do you teach your students to sing English songs in class? 9、你想了解George 擅长什么学科,你问 George:What subject are you good at?/What subject do you do well in? 10、你想了解 George 学校的乐队里谁弹奏吉他,你问 George:Who plays the guitar in your school band? 11、你想了解Peter 如何训练他的狗,你问 Peter:How do you train your dog? 12、你想了解Peter 给狗喂什么食物,你问 Peter: What kind of food do you feed to your dog?13、如果你想知道 David 是从哪里得到这些硬币的,你问David: Where did you get thesecoins? 14、如果你想知道David 最喜欢哪一副画,你问 David:Which painting do you like best? / What is your favourite painting? 15、你想了解Anna 将在中国待多久,你问 Anna:How long will you stay inChina? 16、你想了解Anna 在中国是否有朋友,你问 Anna:Do you have any friends inChina? 2018年真题 1、你想了解Mary这次旅行花了多少钱,你问 Mary: How much did you spend on the trip?/ How much did you pay for the trip? 2、你想了解 Mary 已经去过哪些城市,你问 Mary: Which cities have you ever visited?/ Which cities have you ever been to? 3、你想了解Lucy已经读了多少本书,你问Lucy: How many books have you read? 4、你想了解Lucy最喜爱的书是什么,你问Lucy: What's your favourite book?/ What book do you like best? 5、你想了解 Kate 通常向谁求助,你问 Kate: Who do you usually ask for help?/Who do you usually turn to for help? 6、你想了解 Kate 多久做一次家务活,你问 Kate:How often do you do the housework? 7、你想了解 Tom 是如何做蛋糕的,你问 Tom: How did you make a cake?/ How do you make a cake? 8、你想了解Tom明年打算送什么礼物给母亲,你问Tom: What gift will you give to your mother next year? 9、你想了解 Cathy 在哪里练习跳舞,你问 Cathy: Where do you practise dancing? 10、你想了解 Cathy 认为她的舞蹈老师怎么样,你问 CathyWhat do you think of your dance teacher?/How do you like your dance teacher? 11、你想了解 Peter 为什么学剪纸,你问 Peter:Why do you learn paper cutting? 12、你想了解 Peter 想上哪一所大学,你问 Peter:Which university do you want to go to? 13、你想了解 Anna 的外教已经在中国待了多久,你问 Anna How long has your foreign teacher been inChina?/ How long has your foreign teacher stayed inChina? 14、你想了解 Anna 打算去哪里买花,你问 Anna: Where are you going to buy flowers? 15、你想了解 Sally 的学校有多少社团,你问 Sally: How manyclubs are there in your school? 16、 你想了解 Sally 早上几点上学,你问 Sally: What time do you go to school in the morning? 1、你想了解Jason通常几点睡觉,你问Jason: What time do you usually go to bed? 2、你想了解Jason 多久运动一次,你问 Jason:How often do you do sports? 3、你想了解Jack 最喜爱的书是什么,你问 Jack:What's your favourite book? /What kind of books do you like best? 4、你想了解Jack 买了多少本书,你问 Jack:How many books have you bought? 5、你想了解 Tina 将在美食展销会中卖什么食物,你问 Tina: What food will you sell in the food fair? 6、你想了解美食展销会将持续多长时间,你问Tina:How long will the food fair last? 7、你想了解 Philip 的学校多久举办一次英语周,你问 Philip: How often does your school hold the English Week? 8、你想了解 Philip 将唱哪一首英文歌,你问 Philip: Which English song will you sing? 9、你想了解Helen 将在哪里跟同学见面,你问 Helen:Where will you meet your classmates? 10、你想了解Helen 到达梧桐山需要多长时间,你问 Helen:How long does it take you to get to the Wutong Mountain? 11、你想了解Lily 打算邀请多少个朋友,你问 Lily:How many friends are you going to invite? 12、你想了解Lily 希望收到什么礼物,你问 Lily:What kind of gifts do you want to receive? 13、你想了解Ben 通常在端午节做什么,你问 Ben:What do you usually do in the Dragon Boat Festival? 14、你想向Ben 了解粽子是用什么做的,你问 Ben:What is zongzi made of? 15、你想了解Steven 在学校上了什么课,你问 Steven:What classes did you have at school? 16、你想了解Steven 的寄宿家庭里有几个人,你问 Steven:How many people are there in your host family? 2020年真题 1、你想了解Lucky有多重,你问Tim: What is the weight of Lucky? / How heavy is Lucky? 2、你想了解Tim在哪里买的Lucky,你问Tim: Where did you buy Lucky? 3、你想了解下午谁做的演讲,你问Jack: Who made the speech that afternoon? / Who gave the speech that afternoon? 4、你想了解Jack认为那所学校的食物怎么样,你问Jack: What do you think of the food at the school? / How do you like the food at the school? 5、你想了解Simon的学校多久举办一次文化周,你问Simon: How often does your school hold a Culture Week? / How often do you have a Culture Week? 6、你想了解Simon最喜欢的书是什么,你问Simon: What’s your favourite book? 7、你想了解Doctor Zhong每天睡多长时间,你问Doctor Zhong How long do you sleep every day? 8、你想了解Doctor Zhong早餐吃什么食物,你问Doctor Zhong What do you have/eat for breakfast? 9、你想了解Jason每天上了多少节课,你问Jason: How many classes do you have every day? 10、你想了解Jason怎么跟朋友保持联系,你问Jason: How do you keep in touch with your friends? 11、你想了解David的演讲是几点开始的,你问David: What time did your speech start/begin? 12、你想了解David的演讲有多长时间,你问David: How long did your speech last? 13、你想了解Ben这次旅行花了多少钱,你问Ben: How much did this trip cost? / How much (money) did you spend on this trip? 14、你想了解Ben怎么去熊猫中心的,你问Ben: How did you get to the pandas’ center? 15、你想了解机器人会做什么,你问Bob: What can robots do? / What can a robotdo? 16、你想了解Bob的家离博物馆有多远,你问Bob: How far is it from your house to the museum? |
上一篇:【中考数学试卷】历年广东深圳市中考数学试卷 参考答案与试题解析
高三: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 化学| 地理| 生物| 历史| 思想政治| 信息技术| 初三: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 化学| 历史| 道德与法制 |
高二: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 化学| 地理| 生物| 历史| 思想政治| 信息技术| 初二: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 地理| 生物| 历史| 道法 |
高一: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 化学| 地理| 生物| 历史| 思想政治| 信息技术| 初一: 语文| 数学| 英语| 物理| 地理| 生物| 历史| 道法 |
小学: 语文| 数学| 英语| 道德与法制| 科学| 试题: 小学| 初中| 中考| 高中| 高考| 作文: 小学| 初中| 高中| 满分| 技巧|素材|英汉词典 |
高校: 985/211| 各省市| 港澳台| 国外| 排名| 中考专辑| 高考专辑| 各省中学| 职业考试: 从业资格| 技术技能| 艺术等级| 公务员| 百年党史 |
课外: 教育动态| 教育法规| 老师榜| 家长帮| 学生派| 安全说| 古诗古文| 世界名著| 近代文学| 寓言故事| 格言名句| 阅读技巧| 在线许愿祝福 |